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Slut /W Bad Boy

“Nice.” He was so polite, like he was nervous. I was confused. This just couldn’t be the same mean ass boy who whips my ass and take money from me. That's when it hit me that he was being nice to me because he didn't recognize me. I passed for a real girl. I guess I am a girl in many ways. It really was my superpower, and I am Butch’s Kryptonite. He was hilarious, and trying to charm me. I couldn’t help but gloat because I was in control. I at least deserve to enjoy this new power.
As I strutted through the mall, Butch was hanging on to me, making inane conversation. I had no idea how I was going to get rid of him. I started walking away from him as fast as I could, but he was very persistent and tagged along. He continued to make light conversation, but I was very standoffish, just being a stuck-up bitch so he would lose interest. I was becoming anxious for him to go his own way and let me go mine. He was coming on to me and I knew that if he discovers who I am, I'm gonna get daily ass whippings from now on. Only problem was that I couldn’t resist being female and enjoying all the perks that went with proper attire and makeup. I couldn’t help but send mixed signals. I wanted him to leave me alone, but I wanted to turn him on at the same time. I was a confused mess.
I made myself concentrate on a plan so I pretended to have a doctor’s appointment and I had to get there within the hour. He looked disappointed, but he smiled and asked if he could get my number and call me. I told him I don't think that would be a good idea since we just met. He was persistent and I said that I would, but I have nothing to write with. He had a pen. He wasn’t going away.
I had, to get away from him, so I flagged down a cab and quickly hopped inside after giving Butch a phony number to call. I was relieved once I was inside the cab and heading away from Butch. I hopped out of the cab a few blocks away and out of Butch’s sight. I was able to sneak back to my apartment. The next few days I made sure that when I went public in drag, I would be extra cautious. I sure didn’t want to run into that damn, Butch again. Just when I thought it was over and I could breathe a sigh of relief, lightning struck unexpectedly.

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