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Feminine Persuasion

Ann wanted it to be like formal date. So I wanted to look my best for her. I had a nice suit that I hadn't worn sense I was with my ex. I pulled it out of its plastic zip-up case and laid it out on the bed. I had already showered and shaved. While putting on the button up shirt, I realized how tight it was. It use to be loose on me. Then, I pulled up the dress pants and I couldn't even zip them up. I had gained so much weight that my only suit was too small now. I felt awful. I was already running late and didn't know what to do. I heard Ann knocking on the door, telling me it was time to go and that we had reservations. I went to the door (no sense not telling her) and told her of my situation. She said she had an idea, besides letting me wear something of hers which I said hell no.

She dragged me to her apartment along with all my stuff for the date. She told me to strip down to my boxers. This was no problem sense I was hoping we would skip the date and just go right to the sex. To my surprise, she dug into her dresser and pulled out a corset. I immediately protested, telling her that I was not going to wear women's clothes. She went on to tell me that a lot of men wear corsets to lose weight and to gain their figure back. She said that that seemed to be the case with me, and seeing that that was all I had to wear for that date and it didn't fit, that the corset would hold me in so that I could wear my suit. It was such a good idea that I said ok. After all, she was only trying to help, and we didn't have much time anyways, and I sure as hell was going to wear her clothes for the date and I didn't have any other options. Ann led me to a door way and told me to hold on to the top of the frame of the door way.

She then wrapped the corset around my waist and told me to let out my breath and hold it. She then pulled the laces tight, adjusting them and pulling them tighter, pulling in all my stomach and love handles. After she finished, I felt light headed and couldn't breathe, and I also noticed I now stood with perfect posture.

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